Package of 30,000 Seeds, Perennial Wildflower Mixture (100% Pure Live Seed) Non-GMO Seeds by Seed Needs


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Price: $13.85
(as of Jan 15, 2021 14:00:08 UTC – Details)

Product Description

seeds by seed needs

seeds by seed needs

Package of Perennial Wildflower Seeds 99% Pure Live Seed

Grow a garden filled with an array of colorful perennial wildflowers with our specialty Perennial Wildflower Mixture. This specialty blend contains 16 of our most popular selling perennial flowers. Favorites such as Columbine, Shasta Daisy, Black-Eyed Susan & Purple Coneflower are included. The Perennial Wildflower Mixture will produce flowers in practically every color of the rainbow, from red, orange, yellow, blue and more. When fully grown, the plants range in height from 8 inches, up to 48 inches tall. The average growth for most of the plants is around 20 inches to 30 inches tall.

Perennial wildflowers will establish a deep root system in its initial year of growth. The plants will then wilt on the surface with the first killing frost, regrowing the following Spring season to display hundreds upon hundreds of gorgeous & colorful flowers, all summer long. Many wildflowers will also readily self seed, creating new plants the following year as well. Because of the colorful nature of this mixture, hummingbirds, bumblebees, honeybees and butterflies will all be attracted to the garden.

Perennial Wildflower seeds for planting

Perennial Wildflower seeds for planting

fresh planting soil

fresh planting soil

Watering seeds

Watering seeds

wildflower seed mixture sprouts

wildflower seed mixture sprouts

Purchase Fresh Seeds

Start with purchasing our fresh mix of Perennial flower seed. The mixture is pure flower seed and contains no filler matter.

Sow In Black Dirt

Always use a nutrient rich black dirt to give the seeds a boost in growth. DO NOT sow your seed in mulch, sandy soils, clay based soils, or rocky soils.

Water Daily

Water the seeds and seedlings daily with a light water setting so that the soil doesn’t dry out. Continue to water the small plants daily.

Watch Them Grow

The seeds will take at least 1 – 2 weeks to sprout. After they start to grow, the plants will later flower in the second year. So be patient!

Butterfly Attracting Wildflower Seeds For Planting

Butterfly Attracting Wildflower Seeds For Planting

Attracts Butterflies

The wildflowers within this mixture will attract all sorts of native butterflies to the garden. It will also attract beneficial pollinators such as bumblebees and honeybees too.

Seed Mix Contents

perennial wildflower seeds for planting

perennial wildflower seeds for planting

perennial wildflower seeds for planting

perennial wildflower seeds for planting

perennial wildflower seeds for planting

perennial wildflower seeds for planting

perennial wildflower seeds for planting

perennial wildflower seeds for planting

White Yarrow


New England Aster

Siberian Wallflower

Shasta Daisy

Coreopsis Lance Leaved

Sweet William

Purple Coneflower



Blue Flax

Lupine Mix

Evening Primrose

Mexican Hat

Black-Eyed Susan

Prairie Coneflower

A few reminders in response to some of the reviews.

This seed mixture DOES contain approximately 30,000+ seeds. Most are tiny seeds. Each tiny seed has the potential to grow into a full size plant that spreads at least 6 inches wide.
This mixture of seed is obtained from one of the top seed producers in the world. All seeds are fresh and DO grow if you plant them as instructed. Intended for the current and the following growing seasons.
Surface sowing these seeds to the top of a fresh layer of black dirt is best and will improve your growing results. Mist them daily so that the soil is moist and provide an area of full sunlight.
IF you sow these seeds in mulch, sandy soils, clay based soils, rocky soils or any other soil aside from black dirt, you risk POOR RESULTS from your wildflower project.

What Soil Should I Use?

growing perennial wildflower mix

growing perennial wildflower mix

growing perennial wildflower mix

growing perennial wildflower mix

growing perennial wildflower mix

growing perennial wildflower mix

growing perennial wildflower mix

growing perennial wildflower mix

Rich Fluffy Black Dirt

If you can’t work your hands through it freely, then the soil will likely stunt growth and won’t lead to very great results.


Do not plant seeds in mulch. Seeds need soil to grow. Mature plants can be surrounded by mulch, but seeds will not grow in it.

Sandy Soils

Sandy soils have virtually no nutrients. Your seeds will fail to germinate or their growth will be almost non-existent.

Hard Rocky Soil

Many Perennials need to establish deep roots to return the following year. Hard, rocky soils prevent your flowers from establishing deep roots.

Quality Wildflower seeds packaged by Seed Needs. Each packet measures 3.25 inches wide by 4.50 inches tall.
This specialty blend of wildflowers consists solely of perennial flowering plants.
This packet consists of 16 individual species of wildflowers. Popular favorites such as Black-Eyed Susan, Purple coneflower, Columbine, White Yarrow & More! Contains 100% pure live seed, no fillers or inert matter.
The plants range in heights from 12 to 48 inches tall, with the majority reaching an average height of 20 to 30 inches tall.
All Wildflower seeds sold by Seed Needs are Non-GMO based seed products and are intended for the current & the following growing season. All seeds are produced from open pollinated plants, stored in a temperature controlled facility and constantly moved out due to popularity.


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